Sunday, January 15, 2012

Main Points

In 8,000 BCE the Agricultural revolution occurred simultaneously all over the world, in 3,000 BCE was the rise of civilization. Soon after the bubonic plague began to spread through Roman and Han's empires. In 600 CE Southernization helped spread crops and technology which aided a population increase in the Middle East and North Africa. In 1000 CE Champa rice which was imported during the Song dynasty in China led to an increase in population as it's known for being the rice that grows twice. 1346 CE the Black Death which was the pandemic of the bubonic plague spread, decreasing populations in Latin West, North Africa, and the Middle East. In 1492 CE pandemic came to the Americas brought by Europeans. 1650 CE brought the Columbian Exchange the export of new foods from the Americas to Europe and East Asia had now begun. In 1750 CE the Atlantic Slave Trade started bringing African people over to the Americas for forced labor. These were key changes and advancements made over the time period of 8,000-1750. The importance though is how they effected state-building, expansion, and conflict.    

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