Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Protestant Reformation


The Prince and emperors didn't enjoy sharing their power with the church under feudalism. People believed you could only get to heaven if you do as the church wishes. The Eastern Orthodox church fell in 1453 wit hthe fall of Constantinople. The church gets into trouble, and sells indulgences.But it still remains powerful and in control of the masses. The church controled large amounts of land, didn't pay taxes, and becomes to concerned with getting more money and power. The Clergy weren't well-trained, the church became increasingly corupt. There were early attempts to reform. Soon after Martin Luther writes his thesis, the church splits into different sects. Luthers followers made the Lutheran church, Henry Vlll created the Anglican  Church.

Important Vocab

  • Janissaries =  infantry units that formed the Ottoman sultan's household troops and bodyguards. The force was created by the Sultan Murad.
  • Sikhism =  monotheistic religion
  • Harem = The womans part of the household
  • Dhimmi = meaning "one whose responsibility has been taken" a non-Muslum sect of Islam.
  • Boyars = a member of the old nobility of Russia
  • Daimyo = great feudal lords who were vassals of the shogun

Triangle Trade 1450-1750

      The triangle trade brought people from Africa through the middle passage as slaves. The people were stolen then taken to slave factories. 20% of the people taken from Africa died on the way to the Americas. Some from suicide, illness, or thrown overboard because they didn't have enough supplies on the boats. Only 5% went to North America, most went to South America to places like Brazil, or to the Caribbean. The slaves ment for North America spent some time in the West Indies.    

The Columbian Exchange 1450-1750

  The Columbian Exchange was the trading of new foods plants and animals, between Europe, Africa, North America and South America. Things that were traded include, Horses, pigs, goats, chili peppers, sugar cane, sheep, coffee, squash, beans, corn, potatoes, cacoa or chocolate, maize, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, manioc. These items had some possitive affects on Europe, Africa, North America and South America things like an increased milk supply in the Americas. Horse provided labor and transportation. It changed the diet of the people who recieved the goods, in Europe they began getting vitamins in their potatoes, sugar as a luxury item, and a large sum of cotton. There were some problems that came with this trade. Diseases spread things like the smallpox and the measles killed many Americans.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Latin America (600-1450)

  • The Aztecs rose in 1400
  • The Mexica were a group of nomads that settled in central Mexico
  • They used fighting skill sto gain and maintain control of the area
  • With their control they established a tribute system for surrounding city-states. Cocoa beans were used as currency
  • Established in 1400
  • The Incas conquered and expanded a great deal and took in other tribes to join them
  • The Incas were centralized. The capital city was Cuzco, Peru.
  • To adapt to the Andean terrain, they developed an extensive irrigation system and terrace farming

East Asia (600-1450)

  • China was expanding during this time into other regions such as Vietnam, Tibet, Korea, and Japan.
  • This expansion caused cultural influences. China spread Buddhism and Confucianism.
  • Confucianism was spread; however, during this process Neo-Confucianism bloomed under the Tang Dynasty. The civil service exam was still used based on self-discipline, filial piety, and obedience to rulers (Neo-Confucian teachings).
  • Confucianism continued to stress the importance of family and relationships during and after the spread
  • China was organized thorugh Dynasties such as the Tang and the Song.
  • Each had a ruler. The Mandate of Heaven controlled this and gave the ruler the divine right to rule.
  • China was invaded by the Mongols which lead to new dynasties such as the Yuan Dynasty under Kublai Khan
  • Many of the Dynasties were a highly centralized bureaucracy

Trans-Saharan Trade (600-1450)

Trade during this periodization was flourishing. The Trans-Sharan was a trade route located in Sub-Sharan Africa. Camels and caravans were used to travel and transfer products. Camels were prime because they can take the extreme heat and go a long time without water.  Berber traders increased contact with Muslims and connected West Africa with the Muslim world and even further. Gold and salt were main trading products.
  • Increasing trade allowed Ghana to become a wealthy region and controlled gold trade coming from the south. Ghana provided ivory, slaves, horses, cloth and salt
  • Kings converted to Islam in 900s.
  • Mali absorbed Ghana and controlled all trade into Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Mansa Musa makes pilgrimage to Mecca using this trade route
  • Major cities on route included Timbuktu and Gao

Islam (600-1450)

Muhammad was a prophet that founded Islam in Saudi Arabia around 600. Muhammad had a group of followers called Muslims that believed Muhammad was spoken to by Gabriel, the angel that gave him the word of the Quran (the holy book).
Islamic belief is based on 6 beliefs and 5 pillars. These beliefs and pillars united Islam and created an organized system for Muslims to follow.

Muhammad died in 632, and Islam spread rapidly and covered nearly the entire Middle EAst and beyond. Later one, Islam was split into seperate caliphates because of internal conflicts. Each caliphate had a Caliph (leader).
Caliph was hereditary monarchy
After Mohammad died disagreement over succession lead to a split between Shia (should be descendant of Mohammad) and Sunni (should be the wisest member of the strongest tribe.)
Islam had a strong military, and employed use of slaves into military.

Dar al-Islam

  • universal civilization
  • Unifyed Eurasia and Africa through culutral and economic strengths
  • Merchants influence over trade routes allowed Islam to spread throughout North Africa and the Indian Ocean basin
  • Spread through military conquest, trade and missionary activity - Sufis most active missionaries
  • Tolerance for other beliefs allowed it to spread

rap about the mongol empire

Greece (600BC-600CE)

The Greeks had a strong empire ruled by the people. Many of the Greeks were separated because of the mountainous geography. The isolation of different locations caused people to created city-states called a polis. There polis were under the influence of one government. The most powerful city-states were Athens and Sparta. Sparta was a government focued of military achievements and their oligarcy. The oligarchy was a form of government in which only the top elite and wealthy people had say in the laws and restrictions of the land. They believed it was the superior way to live because the wealthy would be in charge. The Athenians, however, disagreed and believed that power should be distributed amongst the people and that everyone should have a say in the government therefore, turning them into a democracy. The city-states of Greece would constantly fight amongst each other and did not join together to fight the powerful military strategic man that would conquer them who is Alexander the Great. He conquered the Greek city-states and expanded his territory all the way from Greece to Egypt, Syria, and Palestina. He tried to conquer as far as South Asia and established cities in many lands. Under his rule the Hellenistic Age occured but after his death in 323BCE at the age of 33 the empire was destroyed because of many fights amongst generals in who should conquer as his successor.

India- Gupta (600BC-600CE)

In India the Gupta Empire was beginning to grow and strengthen. The caste system was really enforced because of the spread of Hinduism in the region. The style of rule of people under the Gupta rule was not as centralized. In many different regions the local rulers were allowed to maintain the authority in their territories if they had submitted loyalty and knew that the supreme rule was under their ruler. Under the Gupta rulers there were, however, a large number of achievements in the numerical system and in architecture and science.

China (600BC-600CE)

China as an empire gave its leader the "divine right to rule." They believed that there should be a dynastic cycle and that the person selected to rule them was given the right to rule because they were chosen by God. Under the Qin dynasty in 221BC territory had expanded vastly as far as northern Vietnam. The Great Wall of China was constructed trying to prohibit outside invasions. However, under the Han dynasty starting from 220CE. the government changed by creating a civil service exam to certify that the right officals were chosen to establish the rules and regulations of China. The governmental bureaucracy grew stronger because the exam was based off of the philosophy of Confucianism which exerted the importance of a good education and obediance. Under the Han Dynasty and the start of a strong political government due to the Civil Service examinations China was able to flourish until peasant rebellions later on causing the downfall of the Han dynasty.

Rome (600BC-600CE)

Rome as an empire that grew through a strong military and central governance. Emperors were assigned to rule the people of Rome. One famous Roman empire would be the Byzantine emperor, Justinian. Emperor Justinian and his wife Theodora ruled from 526 to 565 AD. Justinian had tried to conquer new territory but much of the empire was already fragmented into self-sufficent states. He created a code of laws that regulated his people called, Justinians Code. This code of laws certified the power of the government. It was based off of the Twelve Tables of Rome which certified right such as the rights for defendants. The political power was not just given to the emperor but power was also distributed to the consul, senate, and tribunes. Patricians and plebeians were two separated political powers. Patricians were the top elites of Rome and the plebeians were the poor, peasant class of Rome. Military generals influences much of the political power. Military generals were assigned to go out and expand the territory of Rome. They assimilated people to their Greco-Roman culture but eventually the attempts at expansion caused the economic balance to shift. Barbarian invasions and the vastness of the empire due to too much expansion caused the empire to eventually fall because of increasingly high taxes and unequal land distribution.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Main Points

In 8,000 BCE the Agricultural revolution occurred simultaneously all over the world, in 3,000 BCE was the rise of civilization. Soon after the bubonic plague began to spread through Roman and Han's empires. In 600 CE Southernization helped spread crops and technology which aided a population increase in the Middle East and North Africa. In 1000 CE Champa rice which was imported during the Song dynasty in China led to an increase in population as it's known for being the rice that grows twice. 1346 CE the Black Death which was the pandemic of the bubonic plague spread, decreasing populations in Latin West, North Africa, and the Middle East. In 1492 CE pandemic came to the Americas brought by Europeans. 1650 CE brought the Columbian Exchange the export of new foods from the Americas to Europe and East Asia had now begun. In 1750 CE the Atlantic Slave Trade started bringing African people over to the Americas for forced labor. These were key changes and advancements made over the time period of 8,000-1750. The importance though is how they effected state-building, expansion, and conflict.    

Time Line

This is one example of a timeline.

12 Days in Counting

This blog will explain State-building, expansion and conflict. For instance, political structures and forms of government, empires, nations and nationalism, revolts and revolutions, regional, trans-regional, and global structures and organizations. This with focus on the time period 8000-1750. Explaining changes and continuities all over the world.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Beginning the countdown

Hi, welcome to the WHAP study guide for midterms coming up in 16 days, on Thursday January 26th. This blog is a class project, if you are reading this and are not from our WHAP class, WHAP stands for world history advanced placement, hope you enjoy and learn something new.