Tuesday, January 17, 2012

China (600BC-600CE)

China as an empire gave its leader the "divine right to rule." They believed that there should be a dynastic cycle and that the person selected to rule them was given the right to rule because they were chosen by God. Under the Qin dynasty in 221BC territory had expanded vastly as far as northern Vietnam. The Great Wall of China was constructed trying to prohibit outside invasions. However, under the Han dynasty starting from 220CE. the government changed by creating a civil service exam to certify that the right officals were chosen to establish the rules and regulations of China. The governmental bureaucracy grew stronger because the exam was based off of the philosophy of Confucianism which exerted the importance of a good education and obediance. Under the Han Dynasty and the start of a strong political government due to the Civil Service examinations China was able to flourish until peasant rebellions later on causing the downfall of the Han dynasty.

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