Tuesday, January 17, 2012

East Asia (600-1450)

  • China was expanding during this time into other regions such as Vietnam, Tibet, Korea, and Japan.
  • This expansion caused cultural influences. China spread Buddhism and Confucianism.
  • Confucianism was spread; however, during this process Neo-Confucianism bloomed under the Tang Dynasty. The civil service exam was still used based on self-discipline, filial piety, and obedience to rulers (Neo-Confucian teachings).
  • Confucianism continued to stress the importance of family and relationships during and after the spread
  • China was organized thorugh Dynasties such as the Tang and the Song.
  • Each had a ruler. The Mandate of Heaven controlled this and gave the ruler the divine right to rule.
  • China was invaded by the Mongols which lead to new dynasties such as the Yuan Dynasty under Kublai Khan
  • Many of the Dynasties were a highly centralized bureaucracy

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