Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Trans-Saharan Trade (600-1450)

Trade during this periodization was flourishing. The Trans-Sharan was a trade route located in Sub-Sharan Africa. Camels and caravans were used to travel and transfer products. Camels were prime because they can take the extreme heat and go a long time without water.  Berber traders increased contact with Muslims and connected West Africa with the Muslim world and even further. Gold and salt were main trading products.
  • Increasing trade allowed Ghana to become a wealthy region and controlled gold trade coming from the south. Ghana provided ivory, slaves, horses, cloth and salt
  • Kings converted to Islam in 900s.
  • Mali absorbed Ghana and controlled all trade into Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Mansa Musa makes pilgrimage to Mecca using this trade route
  • Major cities on route included Timbuktu and Gao

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