Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Islam (600-1450)

Muhammad was a prophet that founded Islam in Saudi Arabia around 600. Muhammad had a group of followers called Muslims that believed Muhammad was spoken to by Gabriel, the angel that gave him the word of the Quran (the holy book).
Islamic belief is based on 6 beliefs and 5 pillars. These beliefs and pillars united Islam and created an organized system for Muslims to follow.

Muhammad died in 632, and Islam spread rapidly and covered nearly the entire Middle EAst and beyond. Later one, Islam was split into seperate caliphates because of internal conflicts. Each caliphate had a Caliph (leader).
Caliph was hereditary monarchy
After Mohammad died disagreement over succession lead to a split between Shia (should be descendant of Mohammad) and Sunni (should be the wisest member of the strongest tribe.)
Islam had a strong military, and employed use of slaves into military.

Dar al-Islam

  • universal civilization
  • Unifyed Eurasia and Africa through culutral and economic strengths
  • Merchants influence over trade routes allowed Islam to spread throughout North Africa and the Indian Ocean basin
  • Spread through military conquest, trade and missionary activity - Sufis most active missionaries
  • Tolerance for other beliefs allowed it to spread

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