Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Greece (600BC-600CE)

The Greeks had a strong empire ruled by the people. Many of the Greeks were separated because of the mountainous geography. The isolation of different locations caused people to created city-states called a polis. There polis were under the influence of one government. The most powerful city-states were Athens and Sparta. Sparta was a government focued of military achievements and their oligarcy. The oligarchy was a form of government in which only the top elite and wealthy people had say in the laws and restrictions of the land. They believed it was the superior way to live because the wealthy would be in charge. The Athenians, however, disagreed and believed that power should be distributed amongst the people and that everyone should have a say in the government therefore, turning them into a democracy. The city-states of Greece would constantly fight amongst each other and did not join together to fight the powerful military strategic man that would conquer them who is Alexander the Great. He conquered the Greek city-states and expanded his territory all the way from Greece to Egypt, Syria, and Palestina. He tried to conquer as far as South Asia and established cities in many lands. Under his rule the Hellenistic Age occured but after his death in 323BCE at the age of 33 the empire was destroyed because of many fights amongst generals in who should conquer as his successor.

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